Salesian Family Liturgical Calendar

Salesian Family Liturgical Calendar

Up date: 2025

Date & PrayesName & lifeF/M/S
January 8Blessed Titus Zeman, priest and martyrMemorial
January 15Blessed Louis Variara, priest and Founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and MaryHHSSCC: Feast
January 22Blessed Laura Vicuña, youthFMA: Memorial
January 24Saint Francis de Sales, bishop, doctor of the ChurchFeast
January 30Blessed Bronislaw Markiewicz, priest, founder CSMAMemorial
January 31Saint John Bosco, priest, founder SDB, FMA, ASCSolemnity
February 1Commemoration of deceased Salesians SDBSDB
February 7Blessed Piux IX, popeMemorial
February 9Blessed Eusebia Palomino, virgin (FMA)Memorial
February 25Saint Luis Versiglia, bishop and Callixtus Caravario, priest: Salesian proto-martyrs and missionary – EAOFeast
May 6 Saint Dominic Savio, adolescentFeast
May 13Saint Mary Domenica Mazarello, virgin, cofounderFeast
May 15Beata Maria Vergine di Fatima
May 16Saint Luis Orione, priest and founderMemorial
May 18Saint Leonard Murialdo, priest and founderMemorial
May 24Blessed Virgin Mary, Help of ChristiansSolemnity
May 29Mary, Mother of the ChurchMemorial
June 8Blessed Steven SandorMemorial
June 12Blessed Francis Kesy and four companions, martyrsMemorial
June 23Saint Joseph Cafasso, priestMemorial
July 7Blessed Maria Romero, virgin (FMA)Memorial
August 2Blessed August Czartoryski, priestMemorial
August 25Blessed Maria Troncatti, virgin (FMA) missionaryMemorial
August 26Blessed Zephyrinus Namuncura, layMemorial
September 22Blessed Joseph Calasanz Marques, Enrico Saiz Aparicio, priest and 93 companions, martyrsMemorial
October 5Blessed Albert Marvelli, lay (Don Bosco Past Pupil)Memorial
October 13Blessed Alexandrina da Costa, virgin (Sal. Cooper.)Memorial
October 24Saint Luis Guanella, priest and founderMemorial
October 29Blessed Michele RuaMemorial
November 5(Eucharist for deceased benefactors, Sal.Fam.) SDB
November 13Saint Artemide Zatti, religious – Salesian BrotherMemorial
November 15Blessed Magdalena Morano, virgin (FMA)Memorial
November 25Eucharist offered for deceased SDB parentsSDB
December 5Blessed Philip Rinaldi, priest and founder (VDB)Memorial